Lancashire Lawncare covers all areas of Southport and offers a lawn aeration service to all customers new or old. Lawn aeration is something that we would recommend to all our customers as it is such a beneficial procedure to give to your lawn. We’d recommend at least once a year. The lawn benefits by having lots of little plugs pulled out of the lawn which allows air and water to reach the roots of the grass, it splits the root to create a thicker, lusher growth and it relives compaction. Couple the aeration with regular treatment from our Southport lawn aeration experts we at Lancashire Lawncare can help you have a garden that’s the envy of the neighbourhood. Our lawn aeration treatments can be carried out at any time of the year although many like to combine the aeration with lawn scarification during the dormant period. Contact us for more information on lawn aeration in Southport.


Total Weedkillers

Total Weedkillers

Please be careful when using total weedkillers. The gardener of this lawn used some to kill the weeds in the borders, then proceeded to walk up and down the lawn with chemical on his feet. Hence the destruction the same size as his feet!  He didn’t have a clue what...

Lawn issues

Lawn issues

  These pesky things live in your lawn and sit and eat the roots of your grass. They are called Leather Jackets...

Before & After

Before & After

We love to share a good before and after photo. Our new customer wanted his lawns scarifying and hollow tone aerating. These procedures were carried out on his lawn in early May. He was due to have a garden party in July so was keen to have a beautiful lawn by...