Red Thread
Hi there! This is just an update on what’s proving to be a issue this year….RED THREAD!!!

Due to the changing weather conditions we’ve experienced over the last few years this fungus has become more and more apparent. It has always been around but the mild wet winters have caused this to make a bold appearance over the last few year. As it’s a fungus wet and warm conditions cause it to thrive. So what is it and how does it attack the grass. Red Thread affects the lawn in two ways.


Firstly thin red strands appear on the leaf of the grass blade and then the second stage produces pink candy floss like blobs. As the infection spreads the appearance is a pink tinge to your lovely lawn. There are varying cures for Red Thread. Usually all is will need is a high nitrogen based feed to help clear it out whilst the most extreme cases may require a fungicide. However, fungicides must be used with caution and don’t always guarantee results despite their high cost. Sometimes it’s advisable to used a mower without a roller for a time so as to avoid spreading it too.

The best way to deal with Red Thread is simply to try and maintain a really good lawn care programme. If you can keep thatch levels under control, remember to aerate regularly and keep the lawn as dry as possibly then you can certainly help to keep it away.

Click here for some more information from the Royal Horticultural Society


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