Pests can take various forms in the lawn care area. In Preston over the last few years we have seen signs of red thread, chafer grubs and leatherjackets just to name a few. Our lawn care specialist offer a regular programme of treatment which helps to control pests in your lawn whether you know they are there or not. Based in Preston, Michael will advise you on pest control if he sees signs of problems in your lawn and our other lawn specialist Rob will advise for our customers in the Southport area and around. In Prston, Southport and around keeping on top of your lawn through a regular visit from Lancashire Lawncare is the simplest way and most cost effective way to keep the pests under control whilst at the same time keeping your lawn looking lovely. Call for pest advice if you are experiencing problems.


Total Weedkillers

Total Weedkillers

Please be careful when using total weedkillers. The gardener of this lawn used some to kill the weeds in the borders, then proceeded to walk up and down the lawn with chemical on his feet. Hence the destruction the same size as his feet!  He didn’t have a clue what...

Lawn issues

Lawn issues

  These pesky things live in your lawn and sit and eat the roots of your grass. They are called Leather Jackets...

Before & After

Before & After

We love to share a good before and after photo. Our new customer wanted his lawns scarifying and hollow tone aerating. These procedures were carried out on his lawn in early May. He was due to have a garden party in July so was keen to have a beautiful lawn by...