Lancashire Lawncare covers all areas of Southport and offers a lawn aeration service to all customers new or old. Lawn aeration is something that we would recommend to all our customers as it is such a beneficial procedure to give to your lawn. We’d recommend at least once a year. The lawn benefits by having lots of little plugs pulled out of the lawn which allows air and water to reach the roots of the grass, it splits the root to create a thicker, lusher growth and it relives compaction. Couple the aeration with regular treatment from our Southport lawn aeration experts we at Lancashire Lawncare can help you have a garden that’s the envy of the neighbourhood. Our lawn aeration treatments can be carried out at any time of the year although many like to combine the aeration with lawn scarification during the dormant period. Contact us for more information on lawn aeration in Southport.


Lawn Alert Autumn

Disease Warning This is a common disease associated with stressed turf in late summer and early autumn. The exceptionally dry weather during September has caused the stressed conditions resulting in an outbreak of rust. In places the attack is quite severe and very...

Leather Jackets

The daddy long legs or Crane fly as it's properly known lays hundreds of it's little eggs in our lawns in the Autumn. These hatch a few weeks later remaining in the soil and eating away on the grass roots and stems before pupating and emerging as adults in the Spring....

Lawn Care Blackburn

Lancashire Lawncare has extended its boundaries to include more of the Blackburn area. Having successfully looked after properties in Hoghton, Osbaldeston and Balderstone we have been increasingly getting calls from new customers in areas such as Brockhall Village,...