We are pleased to announce that we are now able to recommend a Gardener in your area. Having successfully developed good relationships with local gardeners and garden maintenance companies we feel happy to now let you know about them. Whether it’s just a weekly, fortnightly or monthly job that you require we can help to get you the best help around. Garden maintenance sometimes requires specialist jobs such as tree removal, pruning or treating. It could also be as simple as mowing the lawns to keep them neat and tidy. Whatever jobs you need doing then please give us a call and we can put you onto the right person for you.


Total Weedkillers

Total Weedkillers

Please be careful when using total weedkillers. The gardener of this lawn used some to kill the weeds in the borders, then proceeded to walk up and down the lawn with chemical on his feet. Hence the destruction the same size as his feet!  He didn’t have a clue what...

Lawn issues

Lawn issues

  These pesky things live in your lawn and sit and eat the roots of your grass. They are called Leather Jackets...

Before & After

Before & After

We love to share a good before and after photo. Our new customer wanted his lawns scarifying and hollow tone aerating. These procedures were carried out on his lawn in early May. He was due to have a garden party in July so was keen to have a beautiful lawn by...