Lancashire Lawncare provides a service in Preston  and also covers all areas of Southport. We offer a lawn aeration service to all customers as an optional treatment to have throughout the year. We would recommemnd lawn aeration as something that all our customers should endeavour to have at least once a year. It is a really beneficial procedure to give to your lawn.  By removing lots of little plugs from the lawn this allows air and water to reach the roots of the grass. It also helps by splitting the root to create a new, lusher growth and it relives compaction. Doubling up the aeration with regular treatment from our lawn aeration experts we at Lancashire Lawncare can help you have a garden that’s the envy of the neighbourhood. Lawn aeration treatments can be carried out pretty much any time of the year. Many of our customers take advantage of the dormant period to have both aeration and scarification. Contact us if you’d like information on lawn aeration in Preston.


It’s good to share

It’s good to share

It really is great to hear from satisfied customers. This lawn suffered terribly from moss & thatch and the customer was concerned that any major renovations would render his lawn useless for this summer. I assured him that with patience & the right weather...

Crazy Weather

And so the bonkers weather continues. After several weeks of dry, sunny weather the good old British summertime kicks off in true style with flash floods across parts of Lancashire.  These extremes will cause problems for our lawns. They are used to having...

Your Lawn in November and December

  Unbelievable perhaps but like many lawns in this area you may well be still getting some growth. Therefore, this month could be an opportunity to give your lawn a final few cuts to see it through the winter months. Remember not to cut it too short though else...