Well although it’s not quite spring there are still jobs that can be done on the lawn. Ideally if it’s frozen it’s probably best to stay off the grass to avoid needless damage to the lawn. As it’s been so mild this year we’ve been able to get lots of scarifying and aeration done in preparation for the spring months. Now is an ideal opportunity to do this so as to stimulate soil organisms and root growth. It would also be a good opportunity to give the lawn a further moss killer application. The iron sulphate solution will not only give your lawn a great colour but will also keep the moss from spreading further into your lawn. Ideally then you would need to scarify it out. The moss killer too will keep worm casts down, which have become more prevalent due to the wet winter months. The iron sulphates slightly acidic mixture stops the worms from surfacing and causing unsightly casts. We are currently offering a special offer of a half price moss treatment for customers who have scarifying and aeration treatments with us.
Over the next few weeks after we’ve done our scarification and aeration services we will begin our new years regular treatments. We have scheduled a start of March 12th and you should already have your date pre-booked in from your last treatment. If you are unsure then just give us a call or an email and we’ll send you your date. We look forward to continuing to provide you and your lawn with the best service in the North West. See you soon.


It’s good to share

It’s good to share

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